Word is getting out among sailors worldwide to help report back on the birds they see at sea — and they are spotting some unusual birds, from the Caribbean to the Indian Ocean to the …
Home > All posts tagged: Navigation hautes latitudes Tous les posts sur : Navigation hautes latitudes By Diana Doyle on 06.11.2015 La traduction française de cette page n'est pas disponible. Word is getting out among sailors worldwide to help report back on the birds they see at sea — and they are spotting some unusual birds, from the Caribbean to the Indian Ocean to the …
Evénement(s) : Atlantic et Caribbean Odyssey, Le Blue Planet Odyssey
Destination(s) : Arctique, Océan Atlantique, Océan Pacifique By Jimmy Cornell on 20.06.2014 La traduction française de cette page n'est pas disponible. High Latitude Sailing Explore the cold waters of the world By Jon Amtrup Co-author Bob Shepton $US 9.99 Kindle version available on amazon.com Printed version to be published later this year. As the …
Destination(s) : Arctique
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