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Book Review: Sea, Sun and Taraipo by John Jameson

Sea, Sun and Taraipo by John Jameson

Publihed by Grosvenor House Publishing

ISBN 978-1-83975-124-0

This is the moving tale of John Jameson’s nine-year-long world voyage in a Polynesian-type catamaran; an odyssey true to the original …

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Happy days are here again!

Despite the disturbances caused by the Covid crisis, the Outremer boatyard managed to maintain its production schedule and launched the latest Aventura with only a slight delay.

Towed by a large truck, Aventura Zero …

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Aventura Zero: Desafío Elcano

Con el fin de conmemorar el 500 aniversario de la primera vuelta al mundo, Jimmy Cornell se dispone a recrear la ruta histórica de la primera circunnavegación llevada a cabo por Fernando Magallanes y …

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Progress report on the EL.CA.NO. project

Work on Aventura EL.CA.NO. is progressing well, as can be seen from these photographs taken on Friday 5 June.

The Outremer boatyard is now working at full capacity and it has been …

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Junio 2020: Últimas novedades sobre el proyecto EL.CA.NO.

Los trabajos en el Aventura EL.CA.NO. progresan satisfactoriamente, como se puede apreciar en estas fotografías tomadas el 5 de junio.

Los astilleros Outremer trabajan en la actualidad a pleno rendimiento y ya …

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Update on the EL.CA.NO. project


In spite of the restrictions imposed in France to deal with the current pandemic the Outremer boatyard in La Grande Motte, in the south of France, has managed to function at 70% capacity throughout …

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Corrections and amendments to World Cruising Routes 8th edition (2017)

We’ve now put online all of the corrections that have been made in the reprint of the fully revised 8th edition of World Cruising Routes published in the summer of 2019.

These also include …

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Coronavirus - retard pour les ventes de la nouvelle édition de Routes de Grande Croisière

La nouvelle édition française de Routes de Grande Croisière a été publié, mais en raison de l’impact du Coronavirus, n’accepte pas actuellement de nouvel inventaire. Amazon est en cours d’examiner la situation au cours …

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The longest voyage

Read this report in Spanish

Old Seville

Quarter of a century after the successful voyage of Christopher Columbus to the New World, Seville was on its way to becoming the busiest port in …

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El viaje más largo

Sevilla en la antigüedad

Un cuarto de siglo después de la fructífera expedición de Cristóbal Colón al Nuevo Mundo, Sevilla se convertía en el puerto más importante del mundo a medida que arribaban a …

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Desafío Elcano. Avance de novedades

La Feria Náutica de Düsseldorf atrajo este año la cifra récord de 250.000 visitantes y nos proporcionó un entorno ideal para dar a conocer el proyecto EL.CA.NO. a una audiencia más amplia. Se llevaron …

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The EL.CA.NO. Challenge Progress Report

This year’s Düsseldorf boat show attracted a record number of 250,000 visitors and provided an ideal opportunity to bring the EL.CA.NO. project to a larger audience. Presentations in German and English were held on …

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A show like no other

The largest and most diverse boat show in the world, held at Düsseldorf in Germany every January, opened its doors last Saturday. 

  Once again we had a prime location on the Garcia Yachting stand, but …

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El futuro es eléctrico

El comienzo de un nuevo año (y una nueva década) parece el momento idóneo para lanzar un nuevo proyecto. Tras celebrar los quintos centenarios de los viajes de Cristóbal Colón en 1992 y Vasco de …

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The Future is Electric

The start of a new year ­– and a new decade – is a logical time to launch a new project. Having celebrated the 500thanniversaries of the voyages of Christopher Columbus in 1992 and Vasco …

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PROYECTO EL.CA.NO! La nueva aventura de Jimmy Cornell: el Desafío Elcano

Con el fin de conmemorar el 500 aniversario de la primera vuelta al mundo, Jimmy Cornell se dispone a recrear la ruta histórica de la primera circunnavegación llevada a cabo por Fernando Magallanes y Juan …

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Jimmy Cornell's New Adventure: The Elcano Challenge

To commemorate the 500th anniversary of the first round the world voyage, Jimmy Cornell is preparing to sail the historic route of the first circumnavigation achieved by Ferdinand Magellan and Juan Sebastian Elcano.  In fact, …

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Le Grand Pavois boat show opens in La Rochelle

Europe’s and possibly the world’s largest in-water boat show opened yesterday in this historic port on the French Atlantic coast.

Once again, this annual boat fest is showing off the unparalleled range of France’s thriving …

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Voyages de Grande Croisière 2019 - saisons, vents, itinéraires, destinations - est publié sur

Dans cet ouvrage exhaustif de Jimmy Cornell, chaque route, dans toutes les parties  du monde et en toutes saisons, a été prise en compte. Jean-Luc Gourmelen, Voiles & Voiliers

Jimmy Cornell, navigateur expérimenté …

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Séminaire Le Grand Large: Planifier un voyage de Grande Croisière

Au cours des 10 dernières années, le groupe français de la construction navale Le Grande Large a organisé chaque printemps un séminaire à Paris destiné aux marins se préparant à partir pour un voyage …

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Séminaire Grande Croisière Avec Jimmy Cornell Paris 6-7 Avril 2019

Vous rêvez de partir naviguer autour du monde mais certaines de vos interrogations n’ont pas encore trouvé de réponses ? Le séminaire Grande Croisière est l’évènement que vous attendez pour découvrir le voyage au long …

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Sad loss of Sylvie Branton

We are very sad to report that our colleague Sylvie Branton has passed away in Grenada yesterday.

Sylvie designed the Cornell Sailing website and the previous Cornell Sailing Events websites, and has been managing them …

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Rendezvous in Antarctica for two Garcia Exploration 45 yachts

Haiyou and Kama in Antarctica

Chris de Veyrac, the owner of Haiyou, sent us this report:

Haiyou and Kama caught up in Port Lockroy in the Antarctic Peninsula in January this year. It was the second time …

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Family World Cruising Seminar with Jimmy and Doina Cornell London 23 February

Back by popular demand, this seminar was first held by the Cruising Association Suffolk Section in November.


At the Cruising Association House Limehouse Basin London E14 …

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Final report from the Düsseldorf boat show

The 50th edition of Boot 2019 came to a successful end on Sunday, by setting a new record, with nearly 250,000 water sports enthusiasts coming to Düsseldorf from over 100 countries to visit the leading …

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