
Corrections and amendments to World Cruising Routes 8th edition (2017)

We’ve now put online all of the corrections that have been made in the reprint of the fully revised 8th edition of World Cruising Routes published in the summer of 2019.

These also include updates on the changes in global climate that have occurred in recent years.

Global weather conditions have seen major changes in recent years especially in the location, frequency, strength and extra-seasonal occurrence of tropical cyclones. In this new edition, all relevant dates of both safe and critical seasons have been amended in each hemisphere according to the latest information available, but even so readers are strongly advised to be extremely cautious when planning to or actually sailing through a potentially dangerous area.

For the pdf file of all corrections and amendments, visit the World Cruising Routes page and click on ‘Corrections’.

The new French edition Routes de Grande Croisière will be available soon.

Jimmy Cornell

April 2020

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