Tous les posts de : : Doina Cornell

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Londoners Turn Out In Force For the Climate

Tens of thousands of Londoners took to the streets today as part of the global People’s Climate March as world leaders gather in New York for the United Nations climate change summit on Tuesday.


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Who’s Gonna Stand Up? Global Day of Climate Action on Sunday 21 September

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People's Climate event in Kiribati

As world leaders gather for the United Nations climate summit on Tuesday 23 September, around the globe ordinary individuals will be making their voice heard this Sunday for a Global Day of Climate …

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L’ancien président de la Polynésie française exprime son soutien au Blue Planet Odyssey

Trois fois président de la Polynésie française, Gaston Tong Sang, maire de Bora Bora depuis 1989, adresse ses meilleurs encouragements au Blue Planet Odyssey et assure à la flotte un chaleureux accueil polynésien à son …

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St John’s Landfall

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Aventura makes landfall at St John’s

However much sailors love being at sea, landfall after a long passage is always sweet. When Jimmy woke me early in the morning of Friday 5th September, I …

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Arctic Bay

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The Inuit name for Arctic Bay, Ikpiarjuk, ‘the pocket’, describes this bay best, a deep indent protected on three sides by tall hills. Arctic Bay is located off Admiralty Inlet, on the northern tip of …

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Blue Planet Odyssey Yachts Meet The Cold North

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Aventura and Suilven at anchor in Dundas Harbour, Devon Island, Canadian Arctic (Lat 74°31’ N, Long 82°30’W)

On July 24th two yachts met in the cold waters of Baffin Bay at 74°N, a place …

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Introducing Aventura’s crew

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Aventura crewTop row: Nick, Nikki, Jimmy and Marianne, Bottom row: Nera, Doina, Emily and Jean-Luc

I’m giving our esteemed captain Jimmy a rest from Log writing today so that I can introduce you …

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