All posts about: Indischer Ozean

Where do all the boats go?

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This is an extract from Jimmy Cornell’s latest book “200,000 Miles – A Life of Adventure“.

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My interest in the global movement of cruising boats goes …

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Weather Windows : the BPO tackles South Africa

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Following a fast passage from La Réunion, the Blue Planet Odyssey yachts spent some time in Durban, their first taste of South Africa including the obligatory trip to a game park.

Welcome beer in …

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Fast Passage To South Africa for Blue Planet Odyssey Boats

TAHAWUS first boat in Durban

Nearly perfect weather conditions saw the Blue Planet Odyssey boats make a fast passage from La Réunion to Durban.

Tahawus was the first boat to arrive in Durban …

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Perfect conditions for Blue Planet Odyssey boats en route to South Africa

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Excellent weather conditions have allowed the Blue Planet Odyssey yachts to leave La Reunion on time on 5th September for the route to Durban in South Africa.

Maggie, No Regrets and Tahawus are the three …

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Blue Planet Odyssey Heads West Across Indian Ocean

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After an uneventful passage from Sumatra, No Regrets and Maggie spent a few enjoyable days in Cocos Keeling and are now on their way to Rodriguez.

In the meantime Joyful has reached Cairns in Queensland …

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Blue Planet Odyssey On Its Way

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After having spent the winter in Southeast Asia, the Blue Planet Odyssey boats No Regrets (USA) and Maggie (Canada), started off from Padang in the West Sumatra today bound for Cocos Keeling. Their route …

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Fires and dragons: Blue Planet Odyssey Discovers Indonesia Part II

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The Blue Planet Odyssey yachts have spent the months of October and November cruising the fascinating Indonesian archipelago. At the end of November this will come to an end with their stopover at Read more

BPO Sailors In Their Own Words: Your Biggest Surprise

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The Blue Planet Odyssey fleet are now cruising through the Indonesian archipelago on the latest stage of their round the world trip.

After months spent in the Pacific Ocean, a few weeks in …

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The Blue Planet Odyssey Discovers Indonesia

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After some time in Australia, the Blue Planet Odyssey sailors are now making their way through the Indonesian archipelago, which with some 13,677 islands is the largest island group in the world. Sadly, Anne and …

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Jimmy Cornell reviews the new edition of the Southeast Asia Pilot

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The Southeast Asia Pilot, by Andy Dowden and Bill O’Leary – 4th edition – Published by Image Asia (

Born as the Andaman Sea Pilot a quarter of a century ago, the fourth edition, …

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Cornell’s Survey of Global Cruising Yacht Movements

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Jimmy Cornell has been conducting surveys of the global movements of cruising yachts since 1984. In this 6-part article, first published in the November 2011 issue of Cruising World, he reports …

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