This is the fascinating story of a successfully completed circumnavigation of the world by an ambitious and resourceful sailor whose trials and tribulations would have put off anyone else. Indeed, the voyage of No Regrets can be best described as a true odyssey with Zeke Holland living up in every respect to the example of the original Odysseus.
This is a must-read for anyone interested in true adventure stories, written in a light and entertaining way by a sailor who stands out by his open-mindedness and tolerance both towards his own crew and the people he met along the way.
Zeke Holland completed his long voyage as part of the Blue Planet Odyssey round the world rally, an event aimed at raising awareness of climate change and its consequences. The aims of this event inspired Zeke to turn it into an early retirement project, but in order to make it happen he had to find two like-minded partners to share the costs of acquiring, equipping, preparing and eventually sailing No Regrets on a truly eventful voyage.
There were many challenging problems to overcome, both practical and personal, but it all came to a happy end and, as with any adventure, that is what really matters.

Participants in the Blue Planet Odyssey on their arrival in Barbados with Zeke Holland second from the left
Find out more about “A Satisfying Sail Around the World” on the book’s website.