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Which book would you recommend?
- The World Cruising series of books are designed to complement each other, and are all essential to the planning and completion of a successful voyage.
From setting off during the right weather season to ensuring you comply with local government clearance restrictions, these four volumes from Jimmy Cornell (World Cruising Planner, Cornells’ Ocean Atlas, World Cruising Routes, World Cruising Destinations) are aimed to assist with your preparations, ensure the safety of the voyage, provide alternatives wherever necessary, and enhance your cruising enjoyment. - If you’d like to know how the Cornell family took up sailing, if you’d like to share their experiences sailing to some of the remotest parts of the world, and the lessons they’ve learnt from thousands of nautical miles and years spent at sea, you can choose from Jimmy Cornell’s 200,000 miles: A Life of Adventure, Gwenda Cornell’s Pacific Odyssey, or Doina Cornell’s childhood memoir Child of the Sea.
I’m planning a longer voyage – where do I start?
World Cruising Planner is the book to read long before you even set off on your voyage.
The book aims to help sailors plan a voyage from anywhere in the world to anywhere in the world, with suggestions of alternative routes to certain destinations, recommended times and favourable seasons, tropical storm areas and critical months, suggested detours to attractive places, and strategically located ports of call to be used in an emergency.
Whether you’re planning an Atlantic circuit or a round the world voyage, World Voyage Planner enables you to plan, undertake and accomplish a voyage from the earliest stage of conception to its successful completion.
How can I choose the most favourable but also safest route?
Cornells’ Ocean Atlas contains monthly pilot charts with weather conditions in all oceans of the world by showing wind speed and direction, current speed and direction, approximate extent of the Intertropical Convergence Zone, the most common tracks of tropical storms, and the mean location of high pressure cells for each hemisphere.
The latest edition incorporates a new feature: monthly windgrams for the most sailed ocean routes. Windgrams are a summary of wind strength and direction along a specific ocean route. They will greatly simplify the work of planning specific ocean passages by showing at a glance a visual summary of wind conditions along the entire length of a chosen route.
I want to sail from one place to another – when is the best time to go, how long will it take?
World Cruising Routes is a comprehensive guide to nearly 1000 sailing routes covering all the oceans of the world, from the tropical South Seas to the high latitudes of the Arctic and Antarctic.
If you are planning the specifics of a voyage, from A to B and then onward to your next destination, you’ll find here essential information on winds, currents, regional and seasonal weather as well as valuable suggestions concerning optimum times for individual routes and relevant waypoints from start to landfall.
I want to find out about the places I might visit – what are the customs regulations and repair facilities?
World Cruising Destinations profiles every cruising destination in the world, with information on cruising attractions, history, culture, climate, local laws, regulations and formalities, repair and service facilities available, as well as a comprehensive list of essential cruising guides and websites.
A summary of the most essential information for the places you’d like to sail to, captured in one volume.