Odyssey Log

Segler teilen Ihre Erfahrungen, an der Odyssey teilzunehmen: Von den Bootsvorbereitungen bis hin zum Leben auf See, von Partys an Land bis zum willkommenen Landfall.

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En route to Tuvalu

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We left Apia early in the morning of Thursday July 16th to the sound of drum beats echoing across the bay as a long canoe with some fifty men at the oars practised for a …

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Tokelau – so near, so far

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Three small coral atolls some 400 miles north west of Samoa, Tokelau is a territory of New Zealand and rarely visited by yachts.

Blue Planet Odyssey route

The low lying coral atolls make …

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Pacific Impressions: Next Stage of The Blue Planet Odyssey

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Last summer when I took my daughter Nera up to the Arctic to sail with her grandfather Jimmy, I promised my son Dan that I would take him to the Pacific the following year.

‘Somewhere …

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VIDEO: Blue Planet Odyssey in Hiva Oa, Marquesas

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Glimpses of the island of Hiva Oa in the Marquesas during the passage of the Blue Planet Odyssey rally in April 2015.


BPO Update: Community Spirit on Palmerston Island

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Janet Hayes on Chapter Two is part of the Blue Planet Odyssey small team of volunteer sailors trained to conduct eye tests on behalf of the HIT Institute in Germany, as part of …

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BPO: Deeper Into The Pacific

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The next leg of the Blue Planet Odyssey is now underway as the boats leave Bora Bora after a prolonged cruise through French Polynesia and head off the beaten track to the Northern Cook Islands.

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BPO Round-up: A Taste of The Marquesas

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The Blue Planet Odyssey and Pacific Odyssey boats arrived in the Marquesas at the start of April and spent 3 weeks cruising the Marquesas. Enjoy a selection of their musings and impressions as the Polynesian …

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Doudou: Reflections on the Atlantic Odyssey

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Luc & Yveline Formagne, aboard Doudou, reflect on their Atlantic Odyssey in their personal blog.

We will never forget our crossing and we are extremely happy to have been able to take part …

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Sailor's Days in the Marquesas

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An exciting program of activities has been organised for the BPO and PO sailors on the stunning Marquesan island of Ua-Pou on the 10th and 11th of April.

A warm Marquesan welcome

The …

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'On passage with Jimmy Cornell' - Charles Doane

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Charles Doane, editor at SAIL Magazine, joined Aventura from Ft Lauderdale to Panama and on through the canal. He reports (on WaveTrain: A Blog About Cruising Sailboats and Other Aquatic Miracles):

1) On …

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Drina on the move again

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After having completed a transit of the Northwest Passage in summer 2014 , Michael Thurston spent the winter on his own, aboard his faithful yacht Drina at Dutch Harbor, in the Aleutian Islands.

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Elusive Trade Winds: BPO Galapagos-Marquesas

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As the boats finish their second week at sea on their passage of nearly 3000 nautical miles, here is a selection from their blogs of their experiences so far after leaving the Galapagos on March …

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Galapagos round up: Memories are made of this

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On Tuesday 10 March the Blue Planet Odyssey fleet sailed west, leaving the Galapagos Islands behind after a memorable two week stay, first stopping at Baquerizo Moreno on San Cristobal and then Pursuit Puerto Ayora …

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Blue Planet Odyssey Catch Up: Aventura & Joyful are en route!

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Two months after the rest of the Blue Planet Odyssey fleet left Key West bound for Panama, Jimmy Cornell’s Aventura and Jeff and Anne Posner onboard Joyful have left Florida en route to catch up …

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Into the Doldrums: BPO Passage Notes to the Galapagos

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As our Blue Planet Odyssey and Pacific Odyssey participants spend the next few days with the barely onerous task of deciding which of the island and wildlife tours …

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Pacific Inspires Poetry

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As our sailors are en route to the Galapagos, it appears the Pacific is casting a spell, as evidenced by this poetic inspiration that has landed in our Inbox…

The Pacific Beckons

by Bob Shanks, …

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A Perfect Landing: Through the Panama Canal to the Pacific

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Even though the great international operation of the Panama Canal is not immune to Carnival fever, our Blue Planet Odyssey boats still managed to make a successful transit.

As you read this they will already …

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Atlantic Odyssey 2: Finally My Darling crossing, Day 16 – 22

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Rally Control update: since Finally My Darling sent this blog, they safely arrived in Martinique on 18th February. Soon after their arrival they caught up with the Atlantic Odyssey crews from Roxy, Calypso, Neptune …

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Inspiring Visit for BPO to New Panama Canal

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On Friday 13th February the sailors from the Blue Planet Odyssey and Pacific Odyssey had a memorable visit to the construction site of the new canal. The Panama …

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Atlantic Odyssey 2 - Finally My Darling crossing, Day 9-15

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One thousand nautical miles to go! I’m delighted to report we’re finally on the home stretch. On realising what could’ve been a 2,600 nm passage had we been able to sail the rhumb line, was …

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Atlantic Odyssey 2: Finally My Darling crossing, Day 1-8

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Due to a torn sail, Finally My Darling were not able to continue with the rest of the Atlantic Odyssey II boats after the start from La Palma. They ‘finally’ left the Canaries on 28th …

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Blue Planet Odyssey Reunited

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As the Blue Planet Odyssey boats that left from Key West and Martinique finally came together in the San Blas archipelago, they organised a get together on Saturday 31 January.


Yesterday …

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VIDEO: the Atlantic crossing of DOUDOU

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This film created by Luc and Yveline Formagne on DOUDOU will give you a true picture of what it is like to cross the Atlantic on a small sailing boat.

From rough and rainy squalls …

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Blue Planet Odyssey Update: All Ways Lead to San Blas

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Most of the Blue Planet Odyssey yachts have now arrived in the San Blas from their respective starts in Key West and Martinique. A cruising leg will take place, giving them time to explore the …

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Atlantic Odyssey 2: Day 20

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In Martinique

SATTWA and SUNRISE arrived in Le Marin. PENNY LANE ETA at 1800UTC Wednesday

Crews of THEMI, ROXY, LAHAINA, DOUDOU and the TOURIST OFFICE welcome SATTWA to Martinique

View all the arrival pictures …

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