Aventura crew with production team – Photo: Jon Amtrup/explorenorth.no
Journalists from all over Europe took up the invitation of Garcia Yachting to visit, review and test the first Exploration 45, a revolutionary long distance cruising yacht conceived by experienced sailor Jimmy Cornell and described by him as a “boat for all seas and all seasons”.
The innovative Exploration 45 is the result of a close cooperation between Jimmy Cornell, leading French naval architect Olivier Racoupeau, and Stephan Constance, the president of Le Grand Large Yachting, which includes the Garcia brand. Without exception, the new Aventura was deemed a great success by all those journalists who visited her.

Jimmy Cornell with the creators of the Exploration 45: Benoit Lebizay, general manager of Garcia Yachting, naval architect Olivier Racoupeau, and Stephan Constance, president of Le Grand Large Yachting.
Photo: Jon Amtrup/explorenorth.no
Aventura’s maiden voyage will start on 24 May with a first leg from Cherbourg to London. After a naming ceremony to be held at the Cruising Association in Limehouse Basin, and final preparations, on 31 May Aventura will be the first of the Blue Planet Odyssey participants to start in this global event, which aims to raise awareness of climate change and its consequences. After a brief stop at Stromness in the Orkney Islands, Aventura will set off on her first long offshore passage bound for Greenland.

The powerful Parasailor carries the global message of the Blue Planet Odyssey.
Photo: Jon Amtrup/explorenorth.no
On the way, her crew of three, Nick Carter, Jimmy and Ivan Cornell, will send regular weather reports to the World Meteorological Organisation, and in the Greenland Current will deploy two oceanographic buoys provided by Meteo France.

Jimmy with Martin Kramp of UNESCO.
Photo: Jon Amtrup/explorenorth.no
This work is undertaken as a result of a partnership agreement concluded by Cornell Sailing Events with UNESCO and the International Oceanographic Commission.
Participants in all rallies organised by Cornell Sailing Events will be involved in this kind of data gathering work on behalf of scientific research institutions.
Aventura’s voyage will be featured by regular reports on this website.
Note for editors: representatives of the following media organisations reviewed or tested Aventura: France 3 TV, Le Monde, regional newspapers La Presse de la Manche and Ouest-France, Voiles & Voiliers and Voile Magazine (France), Yachting World and Yachting Monthly (United Kingdom), Die Yacht (Germany), Seilas and SEILmagasinet (Norway), Zeilen (Netherlands), Sail Republic (Italy), Yachting Sud (Belgium).
See also: