Three more Atlantic Odyssey boats crossed the finishing line in Barbados, 23 days after their departure from Santa Cruz de Tenerife in the Canary Islands.

Arrival Starship

Crew of Starship

Surprise on arrival- personal ginger cakes for each crew

Arrival Touch of Grey

Crew of Touch of Grey

Arrival Zoe

A bag of welcome goodies

Crew of Zoe
Having completed entry formalities, most yachts prefer to move into the centrally located Careenage.

The yacht Richard Parker enters the Careenage
Only one boat is expected to arrive tomorrow – Lucy Alice, with no boat due on Wednesday, and three hopefully on Thursday 15 December, which is also the time limit for the Atlantic Odyssey.
All remaining five boats will arrive later as they had stopped in the Cape Verde Islands.
- Follow the progress of the fleet on this live tracking map
- View the chronological list of arrivals
- View more arrival photos on Facebook
The Atlantic Odyssey is sponsored by Barbados Tourism Marketing and Tenerife Port Authority.