After the arrival of two new catamarans yesterday morning, the New Zealander Comfortably Numb and the German Invictus, the first mono-hull of the fleet to arrive, followed by the Portuguese Irresistible Ocean, crossed the finish line at the start of the evening and passed the night anchored in the bay of Le Marin. They were followed in the night by French catamaran Ti Punch, the Swedish mono-hull Gunsan, and finally Seamount, another Portuguese mono-hull. Not long after sun rise the Australian Alba and the New Zealander Shapeshifter made their arrivals.
The nautical ballet of the past 24 hours was completed in the afternoon by French yacht New Horizon and British QP arriving just before sunset.
All of these arrivals were the chance for reunions and congratulations, as well as stories, anecdotes and adventures told with relish, accounts of mishaps during the voyage: a collision with a whale, a hydrogenerator attacked by a blue marlin, a broken porthole which let in several hundred litres of water, but also fish, animal observations, and above all the simple pleasure of having crossed this ocean so as to be once again among friends in the warmth of the Caribbean…

Invictus after crossing the line

A welcome drink for the crew of Comfortably Numb

The crew of Invictus, with representatives from the Marin Tourism Office who had prepared the welcome rum punch

Reunion on board Invictus for the crews of the first arrivals

Irresistible Ocean needed a tow from Erick on the committee boat into the marina

First moments on the dock for the crew of Alba

The Irresistible Ocean crew happy to have managed to dock without an engine

Ti Punch enters Cul de Sac du Marin

The Ti Punch crew enjoys a well-deserved welcome rum punch

The New Zealander Shapeshifter had had a successful crossing

Seamount’s crew are happy to have arrived

Gunsan crew members enjoy their first steps ashore and their first Caribbean rum

New Horizon cross the arrival line

The family of New Horizon are happy to have arrived

QP crosses the line just before sunset

QP crew jump for joy on the pontoon!
- You can follow the position of the other boats and check their estimated time of arrival on the tracking map.
- View the arrivals list.
- View more arrivals photos on our Facebook album (no need to login).