Every morning just after dawn an unusual ritual takes place on the beach in Carlisle Bay. As I watch from my hotel room balcony, what I presume to be stable-hands from the nearby race course lead their horses into the sea for a ritual that seems to be enjoyed by men and horses alike.
I remember being just as fascinated when I witnessed this very same ritual soon after our landfall in Barbados at the end of my first transatlantic passage in December 1976.

Plus ça change …
Only two Atlantic Odyssey boats made landfall in today. First to arrive was Mariposa.
Mariposa was followed by Jajapami.
Falkor is expected this evening, while Shamrock and Wellis are due in tomorrow, in time for the Atlantic Odyssey farewell party.
Unfortunately Mercator and Lotus, both of which had a delayed start from Mindelo in the Cape Verde Islands, will miss the party.
- Follow the rest of the Odyssey fleet on the live tracking map.
- View all arrivals pictures on Facebook.