Pilot Tidal Station
Today, Sunday 8 June, is World Oceans Day, hopefully an auspicious omen for the start of our 1200 mile passage from Orkney to Greenland. Choosing the right time of departure from Stromness was crucial in order to avoid the fierce tidal streams swirling around these islands. As we were swept out into the Atlantic Ocean through Hoy Sound, we passed the Man of Hoy, a rocky outcrop akin to a smaller Easter Island statue, and the last land we are likely to see before our distant destination.

The Man of Hoy
The European Marine Energy Centre is based in Orkney and runs several projects aimed at harnessing the vast energy resources of some of the strongest tidal currents. Several projects are well advanced and it is estimated that half the electricity needs of Scotland could be covered just from tidal and wave action sources. We passed close to one of these pilot tidal stations before we altered course for Cape Farewell, at the southern tip of Greenland.

Aventura leaves the Orkneys bound for Greenland