Three Amel yachts arrived at almost the same time in Martinique, after a 20 day crossing of the Atlantic.
Turkish yacht Kandiba, an Amel 55, arrived in the night at 340 am and waited at anchor until the sun rose in order to enter the marina. A cheerful welcome committee was waiting for them on the pontoon, and the happiness was evident amongst the crew also, spraying the champagne to celebrate a great ocean crossing!

The joy of reunions was visible on the pontoon with the arrival of Kandiba

Kandiba’s crew: Zehra, Fatma Gul (with the little dog Carlos) and Hasan the skipper.
At 1150 am it was the turn of Super Maramu Bebe to cross the line, with owners Bill and Judy in this moment completing a circumnavigation begun 10 years earlier in the Antilles.

At the finish of the Atlantic Odyssey, yacht Bebe completed a ten year world circumnavigation

The three crew members of Bebe crossing the finish line
The boat was followed like a shadow by Viva, another Super Maramu, crossing the line at midday.

Viva sailing the final mile before the finish

Viva’s crew: Dominique, Song Hui, and Kinya
All three crews made the same comments on their transatlantic crossing: a wonderful experience, but with really too much swell and confused seas.
The day finished with a welcome cocktail held to celebrate the arrival of the first four boats of the Atlantic Odyssey.
- You can follow the position of the other boats and check their estimated time of arrival on the tracking map.
- View the arrivals list.
- View more arrivals photos on our Facebook album (no need to login).