Bliss and Miss Behaving night arrival
Bliss and Miss Behaving arrived almost at the same time one hour before dawn, and anchored off the beach of Saint-Anne, waiting the opening hours of the marina before entering the harbour.
Bliss reached the docks at 8:30, and welcomed the Atlantic Odyssey team with Champagne rosé and brownies baked during the night.

BLISS (Denis and Ekaterina ) celebrate their crossing with Pascal Guiraudou (Cornell Sailing)
Miss Behaving came a little later, and also invited all the welcome committee on board for a drink. Hayley and Riley, their two children, were awarded their Argonaut diploma as soon as they stepped on the pontoon.

Arrival ceremony for MISS BEHAVING family (Justin, Hayley, Deb, Riley)
News from Cocojet III
Cocojet left the Cape Verdes on December 7th hoping to catch up with the rest of the group!
Hoping to arrive around the 20th.
Cocojet parti du Cap Vert le 7 décembre essaie de rattraper le reste du groupe!
Après nos émotions l’équipage est reparti pour la traversée, cachalots en vue, grand ciel bleu, ça commence à sentir le rhum…
Estimons arriver le 20, penserons à vous le 16!
Les cocojets
Read also: Emergency Medi-Vac From Cocojet III
– List of arrivals
– More photos: Martinique arrivals (Facebook photo album, no need to login)
– Martinique Programme of activities for the Atlantic Odyssey sailors
Les cocojetsLes cocojets