Well, we have covered about 250 miles heading SW–all motor sailing with light winds usually on our nose (this is a Cornett family tradition). We hope to see some NW-N winds tomorrow evening and we will turn more to the west at that time.
We had eleven boats check in on the SSB net today at 1200 UTC–everyone is OK, most with light SW winds like us, and no fish . It has warmed up a bit as we gain a more southerly position and the remainder of a weak high pressure passes near us. Our position is 25 26.68N; 016 03.27W–off the west coast of Africa.
We have seen quite a bit of commercial traffic today, but they are not a problem.
Our seas are flat with a 4 ft NW swell with a long period. Our current winds are SW 7 kts–not good for sailing.
TaTa for now,
Gordon & Sherry Cornett
Gazel Rebel
Le vent s’est enfin levé et nous longeons Gran Canaria, Déhooké est passé 2 miles devant nous. Il fait beau et après le dauphin de ce matin voici le premier poisson – volant.
The wind has finally picked up and we are sailing down the coast of Gran Canaria. Déhooké passed two miles in front of us. A lovely day after dolphins this morning and our first flying fish.

Damien Chambolle
Accompanied by Haruki Murakami in my hands and Beardfish in my ears I’m now ready for another night shift. A few boats are still visible, but peculiar winds has spread us out in all directions. As soon as my dad goes to sleep I’ll get myself some chocolate and enjoy yet another magical night, “alone” at sea.
To think that Christmas is coming up back home while the water temperature here is around 30°C is strange, and gives me a sense of longing. Who would ever long for cold, dark winters? Only a true norseman, I guess.
The ocean is calm and welcoming and I believe we’ll have a safe crossing.
After dinner today we realized our food stock will reach not only for 3-4 weeks, but presumably 3-4 months…well, better be safe than sorry? Luckily, this also goes for the chocolate stock, which reminds me it’s time to gather some mint delicacies…
You can see the position of the boats on the tracking map.