The ice forecast for this season issued at the beginning of July gave
the impression that this would be a normal year in the Canadian Arctic.
On that basis, those planning a transit of the Northwest Passage from
east to west, such as Aventura, started heading west from Greenland in
late July. Such timing would allow them to be well placed and ready to
go as soon as the ice situation in the eastern approaches to the
Northwest Passage became favourable. Dundas Harbour, on the south shore
of Devon Island, in Lancaster Sound, is strategically the most
convenient landfall for any westbound boat.
Aventura was the first to arrive, and over the next two weeks a
procession of boats passed through this well protected bay: Suilven
(GB), Manuvai (F), Arctic Tern (GB), Lillian B (USA), Drina (AUS),
Revenge (USA), Moloda (CND), Catryn (GB), Gjoa (CND), Maia-B (GB) and
Snow Dragon (USA). The latter two were not planning to continue west
but return to Greenland.